This Constitution, upon its adoption, supersedes any previous Constitution, by-laws, rules or regulations. This Constitution shall become the official governing document for the Church.
This Constitution shall take effect beginning Sunday, January 29, 2017 upon approval by the membership.
Any section or article may be altered or a new amendment may be added to this Constitution at any regular or special business meeting of the Church provided, however, first that fifteen (15) members, in good standing, are present and voting; second, that it shall be adopted by three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present and voting; and third, that notice shall have been given from the pulpit two (2) consecutive Sundays prior to the meeting and the proposed amendment being posted at least two weeks before the Congregational meeting at which it is to be considered.
Any proposed amendment to this Constitution must be proposed by the Elders or by a petition signed by fifteen (15) members in good standing. Any petition proposal must be presented to the Elders for review as to its agreement with the Church Statement of Faith prior to being posted or announced. Adoption shall require three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present and voting. No part of the Church Statement of Faith (ARTICLE III SECTION 1) shall be altered or deleted in any way.
SECTION 4: DISSOLUTION (added 8/21/2022)
In the event of the dissolution of this corporation, all assets will be distributed only to other corporations holding to the doctrinal position of Venture Church Network, and which also qualify for exempt status for tax purposes under the then current provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States. In the distribution of assets, primary consideration will be given to Venture Church Network, Mid-Atlantic Region, PO Box 345, Clayton, NJ 08312. Next in line would be a local ministry of common conviction.
Section 5: ASSISTANT TREASURER (added 6/14/17)
The constitutional amendments allows for the position of Assistant Treasurer to aid the Treasurer in carrying out the ever-increasing responsibilities of this office. The Assistant Treasurer may be entrusted in any of the duties assigned to the Treasurer, as agreed upon by the Elders and Treasurer. He/she may also serve in the case when the Treasurer will be unavailable for an extended period of time
This Constitution, upon its adoption, supersedes any previous Constitution, by-laws, rules or regulations. This Constitution shall become the official governing document for the Church.
This Constitution shall take effect beginning Sunday, January 29, 2017 upon approval by the membership.
Any section or article may be altered or a new amendment may be added to this Constitution at any regular or special business meeting of the Church provided, however, first that fifteen (15) members, in good standing, are present and voting; second, that it shall be adopted by three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present and voting; and third, that notice shall have been given from the pulpit two (2) consecutive Sundays prior to the meeting and the proposed amendment being posted at least two weeks before the Congregational meeting at which it is to be considered.
Any proposed amendment to this Constitution must be proposed by the Elders or by a petition signed by fifteen (15) members in good standing. Any petition proposal must be presented to the Elders for review as to its agreement with the Church Statement of Faith prior to being posted or announced. Adoption shall require three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present and voting. No part of the Church Statement of Faith (ARTICLE III SECTION 1) shall be altered or deleted in any way.
SECTION 4: DISSOLUTION (added 8/21/2022)
In the event of the dissolution of this corporation, all assets will be distributed only to other corporations holding to the doctrinal position of Venture Church Network, and which also qualify for exempt status for tax purposes under the then current provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States. In the distribution of assets, primary consideration will be given to Venture Church Network, Mid-Atlantic Region, PO Box 345, Clayton, NJ 08312. Next in line would be a local ministry of common conviction.
Section 5: ASSISTANT TREASURER (added 6/14/17)
The constitutional amendments allows for the position of Assistant Treasurer to aid the Treasurer in carrying out the ever-increasing responsibilities of this office. The Assistant Treasurer may be entrusted in any of the duties assigned to the Treasurer, as agreed upon by the Elders and Treasurer. He/she may also serve in the case when the Treasurer will be unavailable for an extended period of time