1. OFFICERS COVENANT - As an officer of the Church, I assuredly state that I have personally received the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour and will by the Grace of God seek to be a living sacrifice, conformed to the will of God as revealed in the Word of God (Romans 12:1-2).
I will, by the enabling of God, promise to live by our Church Covenant and the requirements of my office as stated in the Church Constitution and Church Policy Manual. I also promise the Lord and the members of The Church to faithfully perform the duties of this office and support the Pastor as the under shepherd of Christ as set forth in God's Word (I Timothy 5:17; Hebrews 13:17).
I also promise to faithfully attend at least fifteen (15) regular services during a quarter and support the Church with my tithes and free-will offerings unless providentially hindered by illness, absence from the area or financial limitations beyond my control.
2. ONLY MEMBERS WHO ARE IN GOOD STANDING (see the Church Policy Manual "Membership") shall be eligible to be elected to and/or serve in any office of the Church. It is expected that officers engage in the daily practice of devotions, Bible reading and prayer, as well as obedience to the moral precepts for believers taught in the Word of God (John 3:5-9; Romans 8:12-13; Romans 12:1-2; Romans 13:11-14; Galatians 5:16-25; Ephesians 4:22-24; Colossians 3:1-10; I Peter 4:1-16).
3. OFFICERS other then Elders, Deacon or Deaconess shall be elected annually for one (1) year term. Officers may serve an indefinite number of successive terms.
The Elders shall have the responsibility of working with the Pastor(s) in ministering to and through the Congregation. They, with the Pastor(s) are in charge of the spiritual program of the Church and the oversight of its members. The Elders will be in charge of the day to day financial operations and all aspects of the physical plant and facilities of the Church and parsonage. Pastor(s) cannot constitute a majority of the voting Elders. If this requirement cannot be met, all voting decisions will be made by the voting members of the Church.
The Elders shall meet the Biblical qualifications as described in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9 and 1 Peter 5:1-3. A more detailed explanation of each Biblical requirement is provided in the Church Policy Manual.
In addition to the Biblical qualifications mentioned above, an elder must be: a man at least 21 years old. a member of The Church a minimum of 1 year.
Candidates for elder will be selected by the present Elders, and then presented to the Congregation for confirmation. Confirmation requires at least a 3/4 vote of members present and voting. Elders may serve a term of office up to three years. At the end of his term, an elder may be reconfirmed for successive terms.
Nominations for Elder will be presented to the Congregation at least three weeks before the vote is to take place. If any member of the Congregation has reservations as to the qualifications of any nominee for elder, he/she should contact a member of the Elders at least one week before the meeting at which the vote will take place.
At the meeting at which voting will take place, the nominees will be voted upon one at a time.
Each nominee will be excused when his name is presented for confirmation. Voting will be done by written ballot. Confirmation by the congregation shall require 3/4 vote of members present and voting.
The initial Elders shall take office January 1.
All Pastors will be voting Elders and share with the other Elders the oversight of the Church. Each Pastor will also serve as an ex-officio member and advisor to any ministry of the Church in accordance with his gifts and abilities.
The Senior Pastor will conduct the services of the Church including worship, prayer, marriages, funerals, baptism, and communion. He will also be the primary preacher for the Church. Other Pastors and Elders may share these responsibilities as well. For a full description of roles and responsibilities, please see the policy manual.
When it is necessary to call a Pastor, it shall be the duty of the Elders to take necessary steps to secure a Pastor, according to the guidelines of the Church Policy Manual. They shall investigate the merits of every man under consideration with regard to his personal character, education, ministerial record, preaching ability (in the case of the senior Pastor), and general qualifications in determining his fitness as a Pastor of the Church.
The Pastor(s) will meet all of the qualifications of elder listed above. In addition, he shall have completed extensive Biblical training through an organization which is in doctrinal agreement with the Church, and be able to evidence a call to the Pastorate and to the Church in particular. He must be in harmony with and able to sign the doctrinal statement of The Church, her covenant and constitution without reservation. The Pastor(s) will be ordained or will actively pursue ordination once called.
Deacons/Deaconesses do not exercise authority over the Congregation. The Deacons/Deaconesses shall assist the Elders and be responsible for various ministries of THE CHURCH. Specifically, the Deacons and Deaconesses shall:
• Be an example to the Congregation in the areas of faith, prayer, spiritual growth in the home, and boldness in proclaiming the Gospel.
• Visit the sick, the elderly, the prisoners, and others in need. Regularly visit the members and consistent attendees.
• Become aware of the physical needs of those in the Church and the community at large, and develop and implement methods of meeting those needs.
• Collect and distribute money from the Deacon Fund consistent with Biblical guidelines, Church policy, and Elder approval.
• Be available to develop, aid in, and/or administer all fellowship activities of the Church
• Assist the Elders in ordinances and ceremonies as necessary.
• Deacons/Deaconesses are nominated by any member in good standing, approved by the Elders, and confirmed by the Membership at the Annual or Semi-Annual Business Meeting. Nominations must be given in writing to any Elder 60 days prior to the Annual or Semi-Annual Business Meeting. Confirmation requires at least a three-fourths (34) vote of members present and voting.
There are no minimum or maximum number of Deacons/Deaconesses that may serve at any given time. There is also no minimum or maximum amount of time set for which a Deacon/Deaconess can serve. A Deacon/Deaconess may, at any time, declare inactive status due to a temporary life circumstance or may resign from the office by notifying the Elders.
Deacons/Deaconesses shall meet the Biblical qualifications as described in 1 Timothy 3:8-12.
A more detailed explanation of each Biblical requirement is provided in the Church Policy Manual.
In addition to the Biblical qualifications mentioned above, a deacon/deaconess must be a member of the Church a minimum of 1 year.
The Treasurer shall be elected annually. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive a report from the Financial Secretary of all contributions and to pay all orders drawn on him/her as authorized by the Church. He/she shall keep a t rue and detailed book of accounts, and report semi-annually to the Church and also at regular meetings of the Elders. The books, at all times, shall be open to the in- spection of the Elders and the Audition Committee
The Financial Secretary shall be elected annually. He/she shall receive all funds of the Church make a proper record of the same, and deposit them in the bank designated by the Church. The Financial Secretary shall send all contributors a quarterly receipt for their tithes and offerings.
The Recording Secretary shall be elected annually. He/she shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the Church, in their meetings for business, sign all forms and correspondence requiring the signature of such officer, retain and use the Church seal as required. He/she shall also take charge of all the records, and keep a register of all the members of The Church which shall be reported to the Church annually. He/she shall call special business meetings as required by this Constitution and serve as a member and secretary of the Pulpit Committee.
There shall be three (3) Auditors, elected annually, to examine the financial records kept by the Church Treasurer. A written report will be made to the Church.
In the event of heresy, apostasy, immorality, creating division, or neglect of duty, the Elders may call for the resignation of an officer. If so, the officer will be immediately relieved of all duties. The termi- nation of office shall be voted on at a specially called meeting, notice of such meeting and its purpose having been read from the pulpit on two consecutive Sundays, with voting to take place the third Sunday. Voting shall be by written ballot. A vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the members present and voting shall make termination valid on the part of the Church. If termination is not approved, the officer is reinstated.
1. OFFICERS COVENANT - As an officer of the Church, I assuredly state that I have personally received the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour and will by the Grace of God seek to be a living sacrifice, conformed to the will of God as revealed in the Word of God (Romans 12:1-2).
I will, by the enabling of God, promise to live by our Church Covenant and the requirements of my office as stated in the Church Constitution and Church Policy Manual. I also promise the Lord and the members of The Church to faithfully perform the duties of this office and support the Pastor as the under shepherd of Christ as set forth in God's Word (I Timothy 5:17; Hebrews 13:17).
I also promise to faithfully attend at least fifteen (15) regular services during a quarter and support the Church with my tithes and free-will offerings unless providentially hindered by illness, absence from the area or financial limitations beyond my control.
2. ONLY MEMBERS WHO ARE IN GOOD STANDING (see the Church Policy Manual "Membership") shall be eligible to be elected to and/or serve in any office of the Church. It is expected that officers engage in the daily practice of devotions, Bible reading and prayer, as well as obedience to the moral precepts for believers taught in the Word of God (John 3:5-9; Romans 8:12-13; Romans 12:1-2; Romans 13:11-14; Galatians 5:16-25; Ephesians 4:22-24; Colossians 3:1-10; I Peter 4:1-16).
3. OFFICERS other then Elders, Deacon or Deaconess shall be elected annually for one (1) year term. Officers may serve an indefinite number of successive terms.
The Elders shall have the responsibility of working with the Pastor(s) in ministering to and through the Congregation. They, with the Pastor(s) are in charge of the spiritual program of the Church and the oversight of its members. The Elders will be in charge of the day to day financial operations and all aspects of the physical plant and facilities of the Church and parsonage. Pastor(s) cannot constitute a majority of the voting Elders. If this requirement cannot be met, all voting decisions will be made by the voting members of the Church.
The Elders shall meet the Biblical qualifications as described in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9 and 1 Peter 5:1-3. A more detailed explanation of each Biblical requirement is provided in the Church Policy Manual.
In addition to the Biblical qualifications mentioned above, an elder must be: a man at least 21 years old. a member of The Church a minimum of 1 year.
Candidates for elder will be selected by the present Elders, and then presented to the Congregation for confirmation. Confirmation requires at least a 3/4 vote of members present and voting. Elders may serve a term of office up to three years. At the end of his term, an elder may be reconfirmed for successive terms.
Nominations for Elder will be presented to the Congregation at least three weeks before the vote is to take place. If any member of the Congregation has reservations as to the qualifications of any nominee for elder, he/she should contact a member of the Elders at least one week before the meeting at which the vote will take place.
At the meeting at which voting will take place, the nominees will be voted upon one at a time.
Each nominee will be excused when his name is presented for confirmation. Voting will be done by written ballot. Confirmation by the congregation shall require 3/4 vote of members present and voting.
The initial Elders shall take office January 1.
All Pastors will be voting Elders and share with the other Elders the oversight of the Church. Each Pastor will also serve as an ex-officio member and advisor to any ministry of the Church in accordance with his gifts and abilities.
The Senior Pastor will conduct the services of the Church including worship, prayer, marriages, funerals, baptism, and communion. He will also be the primary preacher for the Church. Other Pastors and Elders may share these responsibilities as well. For a full description of roles and responsibilities, please see the policy manual.
When it is necessary to call a Pastor, it shall be the duty of the Elders to take necessary steps to secure a Pastor, according to the guidelines of the Church Policy Manual. They shall investigate the merits of every man under consideration with regard to his personal character, education, ministerial record, preaching ability (in the case of the senior Pastor), and general qualifications in determining his fitness as a Pastor of the Church.
The Pastor(s) will meet all of the qualifications of elder listed above. In addition, he shall have completed extensive Biblical training through an organization which is in doctrinal agreement with the Church, and be able to evidence a call to the Pastorate and to the Church in particular. He must be in harmony with and able to sign the doctrinal statement of The Church, her covenant and constitution without reservation. The Pastor(s) will be ordained or will actively pursue ordination once called.
Deacons/Deaconesses do not exercise authority over the Congregation. The Deacons/Deaconesses shall assist the Elders and be responsible for various ministries of THE CHURCH. Specifically, the Deacons and Deaconesses shall:
• Be an example to the Congregation in the areas of faith, prayer, spiritual growth in the home, and boldness in proclaiming the Gospel.
• Visit the sick, the elderly, the prisoners, and others in need. Regularly visit the members and consistent attendees.
• Become aware of the physical needs of those in the Church and the community at large, and develop and implement methods of meeting those needs.
• Collect and distribute money from the Deacon Fund consistent with Biblical guidelines, Church policy, and Elder approval.
• Be available to develop, aid in, and/or administer all fellowship activities of the Church
• Assist the Elders in ordinances and ceremonies as necessary.
• Deacons/Deaconesses are nominated by any member in good standing, approved by the Elders, and confirmed by the Membership at the Annual or Semi-Annual Business Meeting. Nominations must be given in writing to any Elder 60 days prior to the Annual or Semi-Annual Business Meeting. Confirmation requires at least a three-fourths (34) vote of members present and voting.
There are no minimum or maximum number of Deacons/Deaconesses that may serve at any given time. There is also no minimum or maximum amount of time set for which a Deacon/Deaconess can serve. A Deacon/Deaconess may, at any time, declare inactive status due to a temporary life circumstance or may resign from the office by notifying the Elders.
Deacons/Deaconesses shall meet the Biblical qualifications as described in 1 Timothy 3:8-12.
A more detailed explanation of each Biblical requirement is provided in the Church Policy Manual.
In addition to the Biblical qualifications mentioned above, a deacon/deaconess must be a member of the Church a minimum of 1 year.
The Treasurer shall be elected annually. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive a report from the Financial Secretary of all contributions and to pay all orders drawn on him/her as authorized by the Church. He/she shall keep a t rue and detailed book of accounts, and report semi-annually to the Church and also at regular meetings of the Elders. The books, at all times, shall be open to the in- spection of the Elders and the Audition Committee
The Financial Secretary shall be elected annually. He/she shall receive all funds of the Church make a proper record of the same, and deposit them in the bank designated by the Church. The Financial Secretary shall send all contributors a quarterly receipt for their tithes and offerings.
The Recording Secretary shall be elected annually. He/she shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the Church, in their meetings for business, sign all forms and correspondence requiring the signature of such officer, retain and use the Church seal as required. He/she shall also take charge of all the records, and keep a register of all the members of The Church which shall be reported to the Church annually. He/she shall call special business meetings as required by this Constitution and serve as a member and secretary of the Pulpit Committee.
There shall be three (3) Auditors, elected annually, to examine the financial records kept by the Church Treasurer. A written report will be made to the Church.
In the event of heresy, apostasy, immorality, creating division, or neglect of duty, the Elders may call for the resignation of an officer. If so, the officer will be immediately relieved of all duties. The termi- nation of office shall be voted on at a specially called meeting, notice of such meeting and its purpose having been read from the pulpit on two consecutive Sundays, with voting to take place the third Sunday. Voting shall be by written ballot. A vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the members present and voting shall make termination valid on the part of the Church. If termination is not approved, the officer is reinstated.