The method for becoming a member will be:
1) The person should make known to an Elder his/her desire to become a member.
2) The person must attend membership classes.
3) The person will be given a copy of the Church Constitution and Church Policy Manual which he/she should then read to determine his or her agreement.
4) If, after looking at the above mentioned documents, the person decides to pursue membership, he/she shall be given a church membership application form to fill out and return to the Pastor.
5) Upon receipt of the church membership application, the Elders will arrange a time to meet with the applicant. At that meeting, the candidate will be given an opportunity to ask questions about the church, as well as share his/her testimony of salvation and acknowledge agreement with the church's policies and procedures.
6) The Elders will then make a recommendation through the Pastor at a called business meeting of the church. New members are voted in by three-fourths (3/4) of the members present and voting.
Whenever a member has not participated ion the services of the church for a period of six (6) months, he/she will be sent a letter by the Recording Secretary (at the request of the Elders), telling them that he/she is missed and requesting the reasons for his/her absence. The person will also be advised that at the end of another six (6) months of inactivity they will be erased from membership. During this time the Elders will strive to encourage and exhort the person to renew his/her faithfulness to the church.
If, at the end of the second six (6) month period, the person has not renewed his/her faithfulness in attendance and support of the church, or given a reasonable circumstance that prohibits being active (prolonged illness, military service, away at school, mission work), his/her name shall be presented for erasure by the Elders at a business meeting. Members are erased by three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present and voting.
Church discipline is the responsibility of every member. If a brother or a sister offends us, we are not to hold a grudge, but to confront them with this personal offense. If that person refuses to hear that brother or sister, then another person should be asked to beet with them. If the matter is still not resolved, the offense should be brought to the attention of the Elders, who shall determine if the member and accuser should be called in to meet with them. If a meeting is necessary, and the erring member will not be reconciled, then the erring member will be present to the church at a business meeting by the Elders with a recommendation for exclusion. Members are excluded by three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present and voting.
The Scriptures also call for the action of the church in cases where members committing public offenses should be confronted. These include:
1) Overt Sin sin which brings offense to the church and the Name of the Lord - I Corinthians 5. This refers to a member continuing in a sinful lifestyle of which God disapproves.
2) Fornication which includes any sexual relationship outside of Biblical Marriage between one man and one woman, such as adultery, homosexuality, and promiscuity. The practice especially highlighted in I Corinthians 5 is that of sexual immorality.
3) False Doctrine - promoting teachings which are contrary to our Statement of Faith (I Timothy 1:19; I Timothy 6:1ff, II Timothy 2:16ff).
4) Causing Strife and Division in the Body - we must always remember Christ's desire for us to be one and that our oneness draws unbelievers to Him.
The purpose of this confrontation is to prevent gossip and to restore erring members. If any one of us knows of one of these situations described above, he/she should inform the Elders, who will quietly approach the erring member. If the offense is unfounded, the Elders will inform the member making the accusation that such is the case, so that the matter may be resolved. If the offense is real, then the ones confronting the member will seek to lead him/her to repentance. If this frails, the erring member will be brought before the Elders with the accuser present. If reconciliation is still not attained, the Elders will recommend to the church that the erring member be excluded. Members are excluded by three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present and voting. Upon exclusion, this action shall be retained in the church records with the hope that reconciliation will some day take place. Once reconciliation does take place, an excluded former member may be reinstated into membership by attending and supporting the church for six (6) months, making a request to the Elders to be reinstated and by three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present and voting.
The method for becoming a member will be:
1) The person should make known to an Elder his/her desire to become a member.
2) The person must attend membership classes.
3) The person will be given a copy of the Church Constitution and Church Policy Manual which he/she should then read to determine his or her agreement.
4) If, after looking at the above mentioned documents, the person decides to pursue membership, he/she shall be given a church membership application form to fill out and return to the Pastor.
5) Upon receipt of the church membership application, the Elders will arrange a time to meet with the applicant. At that meeting, the candidate will be given an opportunity to ask questions about the church, as well as share his/her testimony of salvation and acknowledge agreement with the church's policies and procedures.
6) The Elders will then make a recommendation through the Pastor at a called business meeting of the church. New members are voted in by three-fourths (3/4) of the members present and voting.
Whenever a member has not participated ion the services of the church for a period of six (6) months, he/she will be sent a letter by the Recording Secretary (at the request of the Elders), telling them that he/she is missed and requesting the reasons for his/her absence. The person will also be advised that at the end of another six (6) months of inactivity they will be erased from membership. During this time the Elders will strive to encourage and exhort the person to renew his/her faithfulness to the church.
If, at the end of the second six (6) month period, the person has not renewed his/her faithfulness in attendance and support of the church, or given a reasonable circumstance that prohibits being active (prolonged illness, military service, away at school, mission work), his/her name shall be presented for erasure by the Elders at a business meeting. Members are erased by three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present and voting.
Church discipline is the responsibility of every member. If a brother or a sister offends us, we are not to hold a grudge, but to confront them with this personal offense. If that person refuses to hear that brother or sister, then another person should be asked to beet with them. If the matter is still not resolved, the offense should be brought to the attention of the Elders, who shall determine if the member and accuser should be called in to meet with them. If a meeting is necessary, and the erring member will not be reconciled, then the erring member will be present to the church at a business meeting by the Elders with a recommendation for exclusion. Members are excluded by three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present and voting.
The Scriptures also call for the action of the church in cases where members committing public offenses should be confronted. These include:
1) Overt Sin sin which brings offense to the church and the Name of the Lord - I Corinthians 5. This refers to a member continuing in a sinful lifestyle of which God disapproves.
2) Fornication which includes any sexual relationship outside of Biblical Marriage between one man and one woman, such as adultery, homosexuality, and promiscuity. The practice especially highlighted in I Corinthians 5 is that of sexual immorality.
3) False Doctrine - promoting teachings which are contrary to our Statement of Faith (I Timothy 1:19; I Timothy 6:1ff, II Timothy 2:16ff).
4) Causing Strife and Division in the Body - we must always remember Christ's desire for us to be one and that our oneness draws unbelievers to Him.
The purpose of this confrontation is to prevent gossip and to restore erring members. If any one of us knows of one of these situations described above, he/she should inform the Elders, who will quietly approach the erring member. If the offense is unfounded, the Elders will inform the member making the accusation that such is the case, so that the matter may be resolved. If the offense is real, then the ones confronting the member will seek to lead him/her to repentance. If this frails, the erring member will be brought before the Elders with the accuser present. If reconciliation is still not attained, the Elders will recommend to the church that the erring member be excluded. Members are excluded by three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present and voting. Upon exclusion, this action shall be retained in the church records with the hope that reconciliation will some day take place. Once reconciliation does take place, an excluded former member may be reinstated into membership by attending and supporting the church for six (6) months, making a request to the Elders to be reinstated and by three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present and voting.