Church officers promise to faithfully attend at least twenty (20) regularly scheduled services, ie.Sunday School, Sunday Morning Worship Service, and any Elder sanctioned Bible Study during a quarter unless providentially hindered by illness, temporary absence from the area, or work schedule. Church Officers also promise to support the church with tithes and offerings unless providentially hindered by financial limitations beyond their control.
Church officers promise to faithfully attend at least twenty (20) regularly scheduled services, ie.Sunday School, Sunday Morning Worship Service, and any Elder sanctioned Bible Study during a quarter unless providentially hindered by illness, temporary absence from the area, or work schedule. Church Officers also promise to support the church with tithes and offerings unless providentially hindered by financial limitations beyond their control.
Elder Responsibilities:
The Elders are to assist the Pastor(s) in spiritual and administrative concerns of the church Theirs is an important and serious office and should not be entered into or carried our lightly. Included in their responsibilities are the following:
1) Seeking to guide and nurture members in need of spiritual encouragement.
2) Meeting with candidates for membership.
3) Preparing and caring for the elements of the Lord's Supper.
4) Seeing that the pulpit is filled in the absence of the Pastor.
5) Deciding membership issues such as transfers, dismissions or discipline, as to what action should be recommended to the church.
6) Counseling with seekers new converts and erring members.
7) Advising and overseeing the other ministries and teams of the church (Evangelism, Discipleship, Media, Worship, Missions, Building and Facilities, Deacons, Fellowship, etc.) This is not for lordship, but maintenance of unity and directions and, when necessary, resolving problems within teams and making final decisions in serious or difficult matters.
8) Setting the example in faithfulness, witness and service.
The Elders are also responsible for the temporal affairs of the church such as finances, property conditions, and facilities. At the beginning of the year the Elders will meet to elect a chairman, vice-chairman and secretary for the year and divide responsibilities which include:
1) Keeping track of the financial condition of the church, both the receipts and expenditures and men counting the offerings and delivering them to the Financial Secretary for deposit.
2) Preparing and presenting at the annual meeting a budget for the coming year.
3) Scheduling use of the facilities and overseeing the opening and closing of the building(s) as needed.
4) Seeing that the church building and parsonage are kept clean, in good repair and safe. Making sure that the church property is kept in presentable condition.
The chairman will also preside over all business meetings of the church and is responsible, with the input of the Elders, to formulate and present an agenda for such meetings.
The Elders are responsible to see that these items are done and are also encouraged to seek the help of other members and regular attendees in carrying them out. The Elders will appoint a member from the Elders who shall serve as an Overseer/Leader of each Ministry Team. The Elder in charge of a particular Ministry Teem (s) will select or seek out persons to serve on their specific Ministry Teams(s) with the approval of all the Elders. The Overseer/Leader Elder of each Ministry Team(s) will report each month to all the Elders at the monthly meeting about each Ministry Team. The Teams shall consist of the following with other Ministry Teams to be added as the Elders deem necessary:
• Building and Facilities - All aspects of the physical plant of the church and parsonage.
• Deacon/Deaconess - Visitation, providing meals, etc.
• Discipleship - Sunday School, Bible Studies, Greeters, Ushers, Teacher Training Opportunities, etc.
• Evangelism - Servant Evangelism, Family Fun Fest, Outreach Events, MOPS, etc.
• Fellowship - The church fellowships.
• Media - Sound and Audio/Visual Resources, Library, etc.
• Missions - Keeping the church current with the Missionaries we support.
• Worship - Music Ministries, Drama Productions, Special Day Musicals, etc
Elder Qualifications:
The following is a list of the Biblical qualifications that an Elder must possess. No Elder will be a perfect man, but if he is clearly and persistently lacking in any of these qualities, he cannot serve in the church as an Elder.
An Elder must be:
1. above reproach (lit. "blameless") 1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:7.
This qualification is the summation of all of the following. It means that there is nothing in hi life that would justify a legitimate accusation of misconduct or call his character into question.
2. the husband of one wife (lit. "one-woman man") 1 Timothy 3:2: Titus 1:6.
An Elder may be either single or married. For a marries Elder, it means that he must be faithfully devoted to loving his wife. (Ephesians 5:25; 1 Peter 3:7).
3. temperate (moderate, not given to excess) 1 Timothy 3:2.
In all areas of life, an Elder must be even tempered and well-balanced.
4. sober-minded (a sensible, serious person) 1 Timothy3:2; Titus 1:8.
It means he leads a disciplined life, at all times, capable of clear thinking, and sound judgment.
5. of good behavior (respectable, orderly) 1 Timothy 3:2.
He demonstrates decency, orderliness, and self-control.
6. hospitable (lit. "one who loves strangers") 1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:8.
7. a lover of what is good (lit. "one who is inclined to do good") Titus 1:8.
An elder must be one who not only loves the concept of goodness, but also practices it.
8. able to teach (lit. "skilled in teaching") 1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:9.
He must be an able and willing teacher and defender of the truth (cf. 2 Timothy2:2,24; 2:15).
9. not given to wine (lit. "not a drinker or "not addicted to wine") 1 Timothy 3:3; Titus 1:7.
This is a serious warning that an elder cannot be preoccupied with alcohol or known as a drinker. Abstaining from alcohol altogether in order to avoid offense or damaging influence is advisable (cf. Rom. 14; I Cor. 8).
10. not violent. (lit. "not a giver of blows," or "a striker") 1 Timothy 3:3; Titus 1:7.
An Elder must be a man who solves problems and settles disputes peacefully.
11. gentle (patient, gracious, forgiving) 1 Timothy 3:3; 2 Timothy 2:24.
An Elder must not be a man who holds a grudge or is slow to forgive. He must be one who will patiently bear with those who are needy, difficult, reluctant to change, or slow to learn.
12, not quick-tempered (he must be slow to anger) Titus 1:7.
There is a righteous sort of anger. An Elder, though, must be a man who recognizes and controls his own propensity to become angry. (cf James 1:19-20)
13. not quarrelsome (peaceable) 1 Timothy 3:3.
He must be a man who will defend the truth strongly, but in a non-argumentative manner. He must not be one who allows himself to become embroiled in hostile disputes or petty arguments. (cf. 2 Timothy 2:24-26; James 3:13-18).
14. just (righteous or upright) Titus 1:8.
He is a man who is known for doing what is right. He lives a life of practical righteousness, trying to reflect God's view in his decision making.
15. holy (lit. "devout' or "set apart to God") Titus 1:8.
An elder must be firmly committed to God and His Word. He must be faithful to the ministry and to Biblical doctrine, not one who gives in to social, political, or religious pressure to compromise.
16. self-control (or self-disciplined) Titus 1:8.
He must be a man who is disciplined in terms of his response to physical desires which could cause him to stumble.
17. not covetous (not a lover of money) I Timothy 3:3; Titus 1:7; I Peter 5:2.
An Elder cannot be motivated in the ministry by financial gain. He will trust the Lord, be content with what is provided, and be thankful.
18. one who rules his own house well (a good manager and leader) I Timothy 3:4; Titus 1:6.
An Elder must have proven himself a good manager of his children (if he has children), his personal finances, and his household in general.
19. having his children in submission with all reverence (having obedient, respectful, faithful children) 1 Timothy 3:4,5; Titus 1:6.
The children of an Elder must not have a reputation for uncontrolled behavior or insubordination. Additionally, an Elder must not be a harsh or brutal man, but must maintain order in his family through loving leadership, consistent Biblical training, and proper discipline.
20. not a novice (not a new or immature believer) 1 Timothy 3:6.
An Elder must be a mature believer. If even a capable man is elevated to the position too rapidly, he will battle with pride.
21. he must have a good testimony among those who area outside (well respected even by unbelievers in the community) 1 Timothy 3:7.
An elder must have a consistently good testimony in all places and with all people(aside from those who would persecute him or accuse him falsely), even outside the church.
22. he must serve, not by compulsion, but willingly...eagerly (he must desire to serve) 1 Peter 5:2; 1 Timothy 3:1.
Elders must not be pressured into service if it is not their personal desire to serve in this capacity. An Elder's desire to serve must be God-given and his motives pure.
23. not self-willed (not anxious to control others or to have his own way) Titus 1:7; 1 Peter 5:3.
An Elder must not be a man who is anxious to dominate or control others. He must be a team-player, realizing that while he is a shepherd, he is also one of the sheep.
24. an example to the flock; I Peter 5:3.
An Elder will not be perfect, but he must be a man who will lead the church, by instruction and example, according to God's Word. (cf. Titus 2:7).
Elder Selection:
The existing Elders serve as the nominating committee for any future Elders. Elders may be nominated at any time of the year, and presented at the annual, semi-annual, or a specially- called meeting for confirmation. For those confirmed at any time other than the annual meeting, their term shall begin upon confirmation and shall end no later than the third (3rd) annual meeting following his confirmation. (So no single term will exceed three (3) years.)
Nominations for Elder will be presented to the congregation at least (3) three weeks before the vote is to take place. If any member of the congregation has reservations as to the qualifications of any nominee for Elder, he/she should contact a member of the Elders at lease (1) one week before the meeting at which the vote will take place.
At the meeting at which voting will take place, the nominees will be voted upon one at a time. Voting will be done by written ballot. Confirmation by the congregation will require three- fourths (3/4) vote of members present and voting.
Elder Responsibilities:
The Elders are to assist the Pastor(s) in spiritual and administrative concerns of the church Theirs is an important and serious office and should not be entered into or carried our lightly. Included in their responsibilities are the following:
1) Seeking to guide and nurture members in need of spiritual encouragement.
2) Meeting with candidates for membership.
3) Preparing and caring for the elements of the Lord's Supper.
4) Seeing that the pulpit is filled in the absence of the Pastor.
5) Deciding membership issues such as transfers, dismissions or discipline, as to what action should be recommended to the church.
6) Counseling with seekers new converts and erring members.
7) Advising and overseeing the other ministries and teams of the church (Evangelism, Discipleship, Media, Worship, Missions, Building and Facilities, Deacons, Fellowship, etc.) This is not for lordship, but maintenance of unity and directions and, when necessary, resolving problems within teams and making final decisions in serious or difficult matters.
8) Setting the example in faithfulness, witness and service.
The Elders are also responsible for the temporal affairs of the church such as finances, property conditions, and facilities. At the beginning of the year the Elders will meet to elect a chairman, vice-chairman and secretary for the year and divide responsibilities which include:
1) Keeping track of the financial condition of the church, both the receipts and expenditures and men counting the offerings and delivering them to the Financial Secretary for deposit.
2) Preparing and presenting at the annual meeting a budget for the coming year.
3) Scheduling use of the facilities and overseeing the opening and closing of the building(s) as needed.
4) Seeing that the church building and parsonage are kept clean, in good repair and safe. Making sure that the church property is kept in presentable condition.
The chairman will also preside over all business meetings of the church and is responsible, with the input of the Elders, to formulate and present an agenda for such meetings.
The Elders are responsible to see that these items are done and are also encouraged to seek the help of other members and regular attendees in carrying them out. The Elders will appoint a member from the Elders who shall serve as an Overseer/Leader of each Ministry Team. The Elder in charge of a particular Ministry Teem (s) will select or seek out persons to serve on their specific Ministry Teams(s) with the approval of all the Elders. The Overseer/Leader Elder of each Ministry Team(s) will report each month to all the Elders at the monthly meeting about each Ministry Team. The Teams shall consist of the following with other Ministry Teams to be added as the Elders deem necessary:
• Building and Facilities - All aspects of the physical plant of the church and parsonage.
• Deacon/Deaconess - Visitation, providing meals, etc.
• Discipleship - Sunday School, Bible Studies, Greeters, Ushers, Teacher Training Opportunities, etc.
• Evangelism - Servant Evangelism, Family Fun Fest, Outreach Events, MOPS, etc.
• Fellowship - The church fellowships.
• Media - Sound and Audio/Visual Resources, Library, etc.
• Missions - Keeping the church current with the Missionaries we support.
• Worship - Music Ministries, Drama Productions, Special Day Musicals, etc
Elder Qualifications:
The following is a list of the Biblical qualifications that an Elder must possess. No Elder will be a perfect man, but if he is clearly and persistently lacking in any of these qualities, he cannot serve in the church as an Elder.
An Elder must be:
1. above reproach (lit. "blameless") 1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:7.
This qualification is the summation of all of the following. It means that there is nothing in hi life that would justify a legitimate accusation of misconduct or call his character into question.
2. the husband of one wife (lit. "one-woman man") 1 Timothy 3:2: Titus 1:6.
An Elder may be either single or married. For a marries Elder, it means that he must be faithfully devoted to loving his wife. (Ephesians 5:25; 1 Peter 3:7).
3. temperate (moderate, not given to excess) 1 Timothy 3:2.
In all areas of life, an Elder must be even tempered and well-balanced.
4. sober-minded (a sensible, serious person) 1 Timothy3:2; Titus 1:8.
It means he leads a disciplined life, at all times, capable of clear thinking, and sound judgment.
5. of good behavior (respectable, orderly) 1 Timothy 3:2.
He demonstrates decency, orderliness, and self-control.
6. hospitable (lit. "one who loves strangers") 1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:8.
7. a lover of what is good (lit. "one who is inclined to do good") Titus 1:8.
An elder must be one who not only loves the concept of goodness, but also practices it.
8. able to teach (lit. "skilled in teaching") 1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:9.
He must be an able and willing teacher and defender of the truth (cf. 2 Timothy2:2,24; 2:15).
9. not given to wine (lit. "not a drinker or "not addicted to wine") 1 Timothy 3:3; Titus 1:7.
This is a serious warning that an elder cannot be preoccupied with alcohol or known as a drinker. Abstaining from alcohol altogether in order to avoid offense or damaging influence is advisable (cf. Rom. 14; I Cor. 8).
10. not violent. (lit. "not a giver of blows," or "a striker") 1 Timothy 3:3; Titus 1:7.
An Elder must be a man who solves problems and settles disputes peacefully.
11. gentle (patient, gracious, forgiving) 1 Timothy 3:3; 2 Timothy 2:24.
An Elder must not be a man who holds a grudge or is slow to forgive. He must be one who will patiently bear with those who are needy, difficult, reluctant to change, or slow to learn.
12, not quick-tempered (he must be slow to anger) Titus 1:7.
There is a righteous sort of anger. An Elder, though, must be a man who recognizes and controls his own propensity to become angry. (cf James 1:19-20)
13. not quarrelsome (peaceable) 1 Timothy 3:3.
He must be a man who will defend the truth strongly, but in a non-argumentative manner. He must not be one who allows himself to become embroiled in hostile disputes or petty arguments. (cf. 2 Timothy 2:24-26; James 3:13-18).
14. just (righteous or upright) Titus 1:8.
He is a man who is known for doing what is right. He lives a life of practical righteousness, trying to reflect God's view in his decision making.
15. holy (lit. "devout' or "set apart to God") Titus 1:8.
An elder must be firmly committed to God and His Word. He must be faithful to the ministry and to Biblical doctrine, not one who gives in to social, political, or religious pressure to compromise.
16. self-control (or self-disciplined) Titus 1:8.
He must be a man who is disciplined in terms of his response to physical desires which could cause him to stumble.
17. not covetous (not a lover of money) I Timothy 3:3; Titus 1:7; I Peter 5:2.
An Elder cannot be motivated in the ministry by financial gain. He will trust the Lord, be content with what is provided, and be thankful.
18. one who rules his own house well (a good manager and leader) I Timothy 3:4; Titus 1:6.
An Elder must have proven himself a good manager of his children (if he has children), his personal finances, and his household in general.
19. having his children in submission with all reverence (having obedient, respectful, faithful children) 1 Timothy 3:4,5; Titus 1:6.
The children of an Elder must not have a reputation for uncontrolled behavior or insubordination. Additionally, an Elder must not be a harsh or brutal man, but must maintain order in his family through loving leadership, consistent Biblical training, and proper discipline.
20. not a novice (not a new or immature believer) 1 Timothy 3:6.
An Elder must be a mature believer. If even a capable man is elevated to the position too rapidly, he will battle with pride.
21. he must have a good testimony among those who area outside (well respected even by unbelievers in the community) 1 Timothy 3:7.
An elder must have a consistently good testimony in all places and with all people(aside from those who would persecute him or accuse him falsely), even outside the church.
22. he must serve, not by compulsion, but willingly...eagerly (he must desire to serve) 1 Peter 5:2; 1 Timothy 3:1.
Elders must not be pressured into service if it is not their personal desire to serve in this capacity. An Elder's desire to serve must be God-given and his motives pure.
23. not self-willed (not anxious to control others or to have his own way) Titus 1:7; 1 Peter 5:3.
An Elder must not be a man who is anxious to dominate or control others. He must be a team-player, realizing that while he is a shepherd, he is also one of the sheep.
24. an example to the flock; I Peter 5:3.
An Elder will not be perfect, but he must be a man who will lead the church, by instruction and example, according to God's Word. (cf. Titus 2:7).
Elder Selection:
The existing Elders serve as the nominating committee for any future Elders. Elders may be nominated at any time of the year, and presented at the annual, semi-annual, or a specially- called meeting for confirmation. For those confirmed at any time other than the annual meeting, their term shall begin upon confirmation and shall end no later than the third (3rd) annual meeting following his confirmation. (So no single term will exceed three (3) years.)
Nominations for Elder will be presented to the congregation at least (3) three weeks before the vote is to take place. If any member of the congregation has reservations as to the qualifications of any nominee for Elder, he/she should contact a member of the Elders at lease (1) one week before the meeting at which the vote will take place.
At the meeting at which voting will take place, the nominees will be voted upon one at a time. Voting will be done by written ballot. Confirmation by the congregation will require three- fourths (3/4) vote of members present and voting.