This team exists to make sure the facilities of the church are used to the Glory of God. This means making sure that the buildings and grounds are properly maintained and updated on an ongoing basis to ensure that they are safe, functional, and attractive. This team will work in conjunction with the Elders, the Safety & Security team, and all other ministry teams and ministries of the church to make sure this occurs.
Any member of the congregation who is committed to the purpose of the team may consider joining the team. Members who are experienced in various building, maintenance, and decorating skills are especially welcome.
Include, but are not limited to, the following:
1) Maintenance of all building systems, including plumbing and heating, electrical, and carpentry repairs. Most of these will be referred to qualified professionals, but may be performed by experienced members approved by the Elders.
2) Ensuring that the landscaping, parking, driveways, and building exteriors are safe, functional, and inviting so that both members and visitors will want to be here.
3) Supervising the cleaning of the church, either by members and regular attendees, or professional cleaning services, or any combination thereof.
4) Overseeing the scheduling of church facilities, with precedence given to church services and ministries.
The primary use of the buildings and grounds of the church are for church services and ministries aimed at carrying out the purpose and ministry of the church. These usages of the building will be approved by the Elders as official ministries of the church and require no rental fee. Such use shall pre-empt all other gatherings.
The buildings and grounds shall also be available for members of the church for special group gatherings, such as birthdays, anniversaries, and other special events. When used for such events, a "Use of Buildings and Grounds Form" must be filled out and submitted, along with a "rental fee" to cover utilities and other building expenses. Such use must be approved by the Elders to guarantee the event is in keeping with the Statement of Faith, by-laws, and other principles of the church. The member requesting the use of the building accepts responsibility that all that transpires will not violate any principles mentioned above.
With the above two general uses in mind, there are only two building usages: an approved church ministry or event, or a special use or event by a church member. The latter shall require approval by the Elders and entail a nominal "rental fee". Whichever kind of event it is, the church members involved will have this state of mind and action. "This property belongs to God, and we are His stewards to take of it well."
The buildings and grounds of Calvary Baptist Church are intended for use only by members of the church. Members, and only members, may rent the building for personal use or by groups of which they are a part, provided that they agree to ensure that all convictions of the church's doctrine, mission and philosophy are upheld. All such use must be approved by the Elders and will include a use-of-building agreement and rental fee to cover utility and supply expenses. Any violation of the church's doctrine or policies will result in discipline of the responsible member. The church reserves the right to refuse future use of the building by such persons or groups.
A designated Elder will be responsible for maintaining a facility usage calendar in order to avoid conflicts between groups using he facility. Priority will be given to regularly schedule services and programs of the church. The next priority will be given to committees and groups from the church that are using the facility to further the ministry of the church. The church can be used by outside groups upon approval by the Elders. The lease agreement, which will state the fee for using the facility, must be signed by the leader of the group. The fee may be waived by the Elders at their discretion. The building may be used for weddings, showers and other activities that do not go against the beliefs of the church. Activities with alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs are prohibited on the premises. No tobacco product usage will be permitted in the facility.
MAJOR PROJECTS (added 6/14/17)
Major projects (not including repair/maintenance) expected to cost $2500 or more shall require at least three (3) written bids. Consideration will be
given not only to cost, but reputation of the licensed bidder. The Elders will give full disclosure in writing of the work to be completed and the necessity
thereof before asking approval. In the event the project is an emergency (as in major functional failure), the congregation will be given at least 72 hours notice of the meeting to discuss the issue. The church shall develop and maintain an emergency fund of at least $10,000 in case of such emergency expense.
The Buildings and Grounds team will have a spending cap of $750, anything above that must be approved by the congregation at a business meeting.
Guidelines for the use of Church Facilities for all members, Ministries & Special Events:
Before the ministry/service/event:
• The member in charge of the service/ministry/event is responsible to confirm the time of the event with the Elder responsible for scheduling use of the Church Facilities. If the event is a special event requested by a member, a "Use of Facilities Form: must be completed, submitted and approved by the Elders before the event.
• Upon approval of the event, the leader will work in conjunction with the Elder responsible for the Safety and Security of the church to ensure that an acceptable plan is in force for the time of the event. This will include locking and unlocking the building, as well as ensuring that both the participants and the building are well protected.
During the ministry/service/event:
• The member in charge will take responsibility to ensure that the behavior of participants is in keeping with our Statement of Faith and standards of conduct for the church. He/she will also consciously make an effort to ensure the safety of all present and the security of the church families. If there is an incident involving safety or security, an "Incident Report Form" is to be completed and submitted to the Safety & Security Team.
Following the ministry/service/event:
• All facilities should be left in a clean and orderly manner, "better than you found it."
• All craft materials, snacks, or other items should be returned to designated storage area for the group. This also applies to food items in the kitchen.
• All lights should be turned off.
• All doors should be closed.
• Any air conditions should be turned off (unless requested to be left on for next event.
• Any trash cans with cups, plates, or any traces of food should be emptied, taken to the dumpster, and new bags put in the trash cans.
• Any towels or tablecloths should be taken home, washed, and returned within 1 week.
• Any damage to the facilities should be noted in an Incident Report form.
*NOTE: Anti-Clutter Crusade:
We are constantly working to prevent the collection of clutter around the church buildings and grounds. This necessitates everyone using the building and/or grounds to not leave behind items hoping someone else will use them or put them away. Items left behind are subject to disposal or donation to benefit others.
This team exists to make sure the facilities of the church are used to the Glory of God. This means making sure that the buildings and grounds are properly maintained and updated on an ongoing basis to ensure that they are safe, functional, and attractive. This team will work in conjunction with the Elders, the Safety & Security team, and all other ministry teams and ministries of the church to make sure this occurs.
Any member of the congregation who is committed to the purpose of the team may consider joining the team. Members who are experienced in various building, maintenance, and decorating skills are especially welcome.
Include, but are not limited to, the following:
1) Maintenance of all building systems, including plumbing and heating, electrical, and carpentry repairs. Most of these will be referred to qualified professionals, but may be performed by experienced members approved by the Elders.
2) Ensuring that the landscaping, parking, driveways, and building exteriors are safe, functional, and inviting so that both members and visitors will want to be here.
3) Supervising the cleaning of the church, either by members and regular attendees, or professional cleaning services, or any combination thereof.
4) Overseeing the scheduling of church facilities, with precedence given to church services and ministries.
The primary use of the buildings and grounds of the church are for church services and ministries aimed at carrying out the purpose and ministry of the church. These usages of the building will be approved by the Elders as official ministries of the church and require no rental fee. Such use shall pre-empt all other gatherings.
The buildings and grounds shall also be available for members of the church for special group gatherings, such as birthdays, anniversaries, and other special events. When used for such events, a "Use of Buildings and Grounds Form" must be filled out and submitted, along with a "rental fee" to cover utilities and other building expenses. Such use must be approved by the Elders to guarantee the event is in keeping with the Statement of Faith, by-laws, and other principles of the church. The member requesting the use of the building accepts responsibility that all that transpires will not violate any principles mentioned above.
With the above two general uses in mind, there are only two building usages: an approved church ministry or event, or a special use or event by a church member. The latter shall require approval by the Elders and entail a nominal "rental fee". Whichever kind of event it is, the church members involved will have this state of mind and action. "This property belongs to God, and we are His stewards to take of it well."
The buildings and grounds of Calvary Baptist Church are intended for use only by members of the church. Members, and only members, may rent the building for personal use or by groups of which they are a part, provided that they agree to ensure that all convictions of the church's doctrine, mission and philosophy are upheld. All such use must be approved by the Elders and will include a use-of-building agreement and rental fee to cover utility and supply expenses. Any violation of the church's doctrine or policies will result in discipline of the responsible member. The church reserves the right to refuse future use of the building by such persons or groups.
A designated Elder will be responsible for maintaining a facility usage calendar in order to avoid conflicts between groups using he facility. Priority will be given to regularly schedule services and programs of the church. The next priority will be given to committees and groups from the church that are using the facility to further the ministry of the church. The church can be used by outside groups upon approval by the Elders. The lease agreement, which will state the fee for using the facility, must be signed by the leader of the group. The fee may be waived by the Elders at their discretion. The building may be used for weddings, showers and other activities that do not go against the beliefs of the church. Activities with alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs are prohibited on the premises. No tobacco product usage will be permitted in the facility.
MAJOR PROJECTS (added 6/14/17)
Major projects (not including repair/maintenance) expected to cost $2500 or more shall require at least three (3) written bids. Consideration will be
given not only to cost, but reputation of the licensed bidder. The Elders will give full disclosure in writing of the work to be completed and the necessity
thereof before asking approval. In the event the project is an emergency (as in major functional failure), the congregation will be given at least 72 hours notice of the meeting to discuss the issue. The church shall develop and maintain an emergency fund of at least $10,000 in case of such emergency expense.
The Buildings and Grounds team will have a spending cap of $750, anything above that must be approved by the congregation at a business meeting.
Guidelines for the use of Church Facilities for all members, Ministries & Special Events:
Before the ministry/service/event:
• The member in charge of the service/ministry/event is responsible to confirm the time of the event with the Elder responsible for scheduling use of the Church Facilities. If the event is a special event requested by a member, a "Use of Facilities Form: must be completed, submitted and approved by the Elders before the event.
• Upon approval of the event, the leader will work in conjunction with the Elder responsible for the Safety and Security of the church to ensure that an acceptable plan is in force for the time of the event. This will include locking and unlocking the building, as well as ensuring that both the participants and the building are well protected.
During the ministry/service/event:
• The member in charge will take responsibility to ensure that the behavior of participants is in keeping with our Statement of Faith and standards of conduct for the church. He/she will also consciously make an effort to ensure the safety of all present and the security of the church families. If there is an incident involving safety or security, an "Incident Report Form" is to be completed and submitted to the Safety & Security Team.
Following the ministry/service/event:
• All facilities should be left in a clean and orderly manner, "better than you found it."
• All craft materials, snacks, or other items should be returned to designated storage area for the group. This also applies to food items in the kitchen.
• All lights should be turned off.
• All doors should be closed.
• Any air conditions should be turned off (unless requested to be left on for next event.
• Any trash cans with cups, plates, or any traces of food should be emptied, taken to the dumpster, and new bags put in the trash cans.
• Any towels or tablecloths should be taken home, washed, and returned within 1 week.
• Any damage to the facilities should be noted in an Incident Report form.
*NOTE: Anti-Clutter Crusade:
We are constantly working to prevent the collection of clutter around the church buildings and grounds. This necessitates everyone using the building and/or grounds to not leave behind items hoping someone else will use them or put them away. Items left behind are subject to disposal or donation to benefit others.