Basic Belief/Position:
As believers in the Bible, the only inspired, infallible and authoritative Word of God, we must be prepared to respond to any highly contagious illness or any outbreak thereof, ministering both spiritually and physically to all affected. Since a personal relationship with Jesus Christ can deliver individuals from the power of sin and disease, we must minister to ALL people, Christian and non-Christian, saint and sinner and those healthy and unhealthy, including those with serious illnesses like HIV, Hepatitis B and other blood borne pathogens.
From the expansive research on HIV, it has been determined that only certain body fluids, being blood, breast milk and sexual fluid, can transmit HIV to another person by entering through mucous membrane, mouth or the like, or damaged skin. HIV does not survive long outside the human body (such as on surfaces), and it cannot reproduce outside the human host. HIV cannot be spread by the mosquitoes, ticks, or other insects; saliva, tears, or sweat that is not mixed with the blood of an HIV-positive person; or hugging, shaking hands, sharing toilets, sharing dishes, or closed-mouth kissing with someone who is HIV-positive.
In view of the foregoing positional statement, and being fully appraised of the legal ramifications, i.e. discrimination, privacy and confidentiality, we have adopted the following policies as they pertain to specific circumstances and situations:
1) EDUCATION - We will endeavor to keep our membership properly informed and up-to-date with current medical findings in order to dispel fear, instill hope and enhance ministry and fellowship. We will also review/revise our policy as necessary and timely.
2) CONFIDENTIALITY Absolute confidentiality will be maintained by limiting the knowledge of existing AIDS/HIV to the Elders and only individual staff members who could be placed at risk in dealing with such individuals. (e.g. nursery workers).
3) NURSERY - As in many churches, we would request that children with symptoms of illness remain with the adult guardian(s) to avoid any potential spread of a contagious disease. Since babies often share teething rings, pacifiers, and other instruments, we would request that no one place a child tested positive for HIV in the nursery unless the nursery staff is aware of the condition.
4) FOOD PREPARATION/HANDLING - We expect every member of the church to take utmost care when preparing food for church dinners, potluck suppers, etc.
5) RESTROOM FACILITIES - We expect every member of the church to practice good hygiene habits at all times, including, but not limited to, washing hands.
6) INJURIES - Any member caring for or cleaning up after any injury resulting in tissue damage and bleeding, we expect to adhere to the CDC's recommendations for universal precautions in response to potential blood borne pathogens. This includes, but is not limited to, use of protective barriers (e.g. gloves), washing after cleaning or caring for any injury and disposing of gloves immediately after use.
7) ACCOUNTABILITY It is our policy to treat any individual suffering from a contagious disease as fairly and equally as those placed at risk by contact with it. It is further our hope that any individual suffering from a contagious disease would be considerate, in God's Love, and treat membership as they wish to be treated themselves, by abiding by this policy voluntarily out of God's Love and His command to love one another, even as we do ourselves.
1All research and information is current and compiled from the Center of Disease Control and can be found at
Baptism services will be held whenever there are candidates available who have completed the required pre-baptism sessions. The time will be set by the Elders.
Anyone who has put his/her trust in Jesus Christ as his/her personal Saviour is invited and encouraged to be baptized. Christ gave the church the commandment to baptize, so each baptism service is a celebration for the whole congregation. In the event there id a children's program taking place, arrangements will be made ahead of time to bring them in to witness the baptism Anyone desiring to be baptized should make this known to the Elders, who will set up instruction classes. Upon satisfactorily completing these classes, the candidate will be informed of when his/her baptism will take place.
1) To make sure the baptistry is properly cleaned, filled and heated.
2) To clear, set up and lay down plastic in the baptismal rooms.
3) To be available to help the baptismal candidates before, during and after the ceremony, and to handle candle lighting ceremony.
4) To clean up the side rooms and baptistry area, and either empty the baptistery or chlorinate it for storage.
5) To see that each candidate has a properly fitting white robe.
1) Be at the church at least twenty (20) minutes before the service is to begin for last minute instructions.
2) Bring:
- A set of white (or light colored) clothing to wear.
- Men/Boys; pants, shirts and socks
- Ladies/Girls: Blouse, Long Shorts or culottes and socks
- A complete set of dry dress clothes to change into, including undergarments, socks, etc.
- A copy of your testimony
- A clean, white handkerchief
- Towel(s)
- A plastic bag for wet clothing
- A brush/comb (hair dryer in winter)
These items should all be placed in the baptismal room when you arrive
3) Follow the instructions of the Deacon, Deaconess or person(s) in charge.
4) When entering the baptistry bring you white handkerchief and testimony sheet. Take care to keep these items out of the water. Please be careful and walk slowly. Hand you items to the Pastor and follow his instructions.
5) After being baptized, walk slowly up the steps, and with the help of you assistant, put your robe into the plastic can, also wring the water out of your clothes into the can.
The coaches/leaders will be approved by and accountable to the Elders. The Elders will work in cooperation with the coaches/leaders to insure the following guidelines are followed.
To be eligible to participate, as person must:
1) Be an active member of the church.
2) Attend at least one worship service per week during the season, and attend at least two week before the season begins.
3) Maintain a proper testimony before, during and after the games and practices.
4) Any league in which the church plays will be approved by the Elders each season.
No games will be played on Sundays, Wednesdays or during special services of the church.
Insurance Waiver:
An insurance waiver form must be signed by all participants prior to involvement in any game or practice.
The Deacons Fund is to reflect the picture in the book of Acts as to how we are to care for one another in Christ. In the time of physical and financial need, we want to be prepared to help each other out, and to show the world the unselfishness of God.
On every occasion when the Lord's Supper is celebrated, we will have a special Deacon's Fund Offering. These funds will be held in a special fund with the church treasury, so that as needs arise funds will be available. At those times when the fund may run low, at the discretion of the Elders and Deacon/nesses, a special offering can be called for to replenish the fund. The balance of the fund will be included in the monthly church finance report, and a running total kept by the church treasurer, in the event that the Deacon/nesses need to know how much is available.
Any member or leader of the congregation may make known to the Deacon/nesses when they become aware of a need in the church family. The Deacon/nesses will verify the need, check the status of the Deacon Fund, and decide upon if and how much should be given to the member in need. In the event a member requests repeated help for similar expenses, the Deacon/nesses may require financial counseling or other training or assistance before any further disbursements are made.
On occasion requests are received to help non-members. The Team will consider if and how we can help on a case-by-case basis.
As the passing of a dear loved one is a time when we all need encouragement and support, and whereas such times as these are when many become receptive to the Love of Christ, we will make every effort to reach out in His name.
Procedures: When a member of the congregation, or his/her immediate family member (parent, child, or spouse) passes away, we will:
1) Provide a Funeral Throw, or some meaningful equivalent, for the viewing (if held) or give directly to the family.
2) Begin to provide the family with periodic Biblical literature to help them work through the grieving process.
3) If the service is held by our Pastor, or other circumstances exist where the elders and deacons and deaconesses deem it appropriate, provide a funeral dinner. The Deacon/nesses will provide meat or a large dish, and call upon the congregation to join together in providing food and service for a family gathering.
All guest speakers must be approved by the Elders. Any scheduling should begin by first consulting the Pastor and Church calendar, and then submitting the proposed speaker's name and date(s) for approval.
It will be the responsibility of the Missions Team to schedule any mission speaker, the Fellowship Team to schedule speakers for fellowship events, and the Team Leaders to schedule speakers or groups for rallies and other events. The Elders will handle pulpit speaker supply, special meetings and other events.
Financial Arrangements:
Honorarium: The following procedures will apply:
1) Speaker supply - $100.00/service from the Guest Speaker budget
2) Series speaker or Missionary Love Offering, at least meeting the amounts for Speaker Supply, with any shortages made up from the Guest Speaker budget.
3) Ministry Teams (e.g. Musical and Drama Groups) - Love Offering
Speaker/Musicians who travel here from over 50 miles (one way) from home will be reimbursed at the current IRS rate for a round trip. If the speaker/group is coming or going to somewhere other than home, this will be adjusted accordingly.
Housing and meals will be arranged by the board/committee/ministry team responsible for scheduling the speaker/group. If these are not available within the congregation, the church will provide a modest amount for meals and lodging.
Marriage is the first and most important relationship created by God. In an age when divorce is so common and marriage is taken so lightly, we want to do all we can to make sure couples are well-prepared for and supported in the marriages.
1) In keeping with our Biblical convictions, marriage is designed by God as a life-time commitment between a man and a woman, as they were specifically created by God. Any marriages performed on church grounds or by the pastor must line up with the church's views on marriage as described in the statement of faith No marriages will be performed which violate these principles.
2) The church grounds and facilities are available only for member of the church. Such usage is contingent upon approval by the Elders and the availability of the facilities, with preference given to the regular ministries of the church. Only weddings involving a member of the church or an immediate family member will be considered. The Elders hold final approval for all marriages held on church grounds.
3) All couples considering marriage must first meet with the Pastor for the premarital counseling. All couples are expected to complete any assignments given as part of this counseling. During the counseling period the couple must be faithful in attending services. In the event the church is currently without a Pastor, the couple may receive counseling from another Pastor or Counselor approved by the Elders, and the service may be performed by a Pastor approved by the Elders.
4) Any divorced person desiring to be married in this church or by the Pastor outside the church must provide evidence to the Elders that the previous marriage is beyond reconciliation.
5) The New Testament forbids being "unequally yoked with unbelievers". No marriage will be performed in the church or by the Pastor which violates this Biblical principle. Under no circumstances will unbelievers be married in the church.
6) Fees: Couples are expected to pay the "Facility Use Fees" to cover the expenses of utilities and paper products. A "Church Lease Agreement" is to be signed and submitted with the fee before the Wedding Rehearsal. There are no set personnel fees, but couples are expected to be appreciative of the time invested by musicians or members of the clergy.
7) Receptions - It is expected that the reception will continue on in the Christ-centered atmosphere of the ceremony, and though joyful, will also be orderly. If held in the church there will be no smoking, alcoholic beverages, or inappropriate dancing. These guidelines should also be considered when the reception is held elsewhere.
The purpose of an outreach ministry team is to reach out to individuals with the Gospel and with a challenge for Christ.
To become a member of this ministry team, one must first observe the group for three (3) rehearsals and or performances, to make sure he/she is willing to make the commitment necessary. The requirements for becoming a member are as follows:
1) Personal Testimony of Christ as Saviour
2) Faithful attendance at this church
3) Able to sign attached Statement of Faith
4) Upstanding Christian Walk in the community
5) 13 Years of age or older
6) All members under the age of 18 must submit a signed release/permission form from a parent/guardian to travel with the group.
If the above qualifications are met, a prospective member must be approved by the adult leaders of the group, the Pastor(s), and the Elders.
To have an impact, this group must have practice with an average practice time of 3 hours. During practice, members are expected to put all they have into it, so the group can make best use of their time. Practice times should be cleared on the church calendar to avoid conflicts.
The ministry outreach events will be limited to an average of 2 per month, with not more than one of these performances being at the same time as one of the regularly scheduled services of the church.
One adult member of the team will be appointed to act as treasurer of the team. He/she shall maintain a petty cash fund for expenses of the team, not in excess of $250. Any excess funds will be kept in a designated fund by the church treasurer. If more than the amount above is needed for any event, a check may be requested from the church treasurer to cover the expenses, upon the approval of the Elder overseeing the team. Written records of all expenses, receipts and requests will be kept.
The adult members of any ministry team will maintain contact with the Elders concerning the activities of the group, problems that arise or to seek advice when necessary.
Basic Belief/Position:
As believers in the Bible, the only inspired, infallible and authoritative Word of God, we must be prepared to respond to any highly contagious illness or any outbreak thereof, ministering both spiritually and physically to all affected. Since a personal relationship with Jesus Christ can deliver individuals from the power of sin and disease, we must minister to ALL people, Christian and non-Christian, saint and sinner and those healthy and unhealthy, including those with serious illnesses like HIV, Hepatitis B and other blood borne pathogens.
From the expansive research on HIV, it has been determined that only certain body fluids, being blood, breast milk and sexual fluid, can transmit HIV to another person by entering through mucous membrane, mouth or the like, or damaged skin. HIV does not survive long outside the human body (such as on surfaces), and it cannot reproduce outside the human host. HIV cannot be spread by the mosquitoes, ticks, or other insects; saliva, tears, or sweat that is not mixed with the blood of an HIV-positive person; or hugging, shaking hands, sharing toilets, sharing dishes, or closed-mouth kissing with someone who is HIV-positive.
In view of the foregoing positional statement, and being fully appraised of the legal ramifications, i.e. discrimination, privacy and confidentiality, we have adopted the following policies as they pertain to specific circumstances and situations:
1) EDUCATION - We will endeavor to keep our membership properly informed and up-to-date with current medical findings in order to dispel fear, instill hope and enhance ministry and fellowship. We will also review/revise our policy as necessary and timely.
2) CONFIDENTIALITY Absolute confidentiality will be maintained by limiting the knowledge of existing AIDS/HIV to the Elders and only individual staff members who could be placed at risk in dealing with such individuals. (e.g. nursery workers).
3) NURSERY - As in many churches, we would request that children with symptoms of illness remain with the adult guardian(s) to avoid any potential spread of a contagious disease. Since babies often share teething rings, pacifiers, and other instruments, we would request that no one place a child tested positive for HIV in the nursery unless the nursery staff is aware of the condition.
4) FOOD PREPARATION/HANDLING - We expect every member of the church to take utmost care when preparing food for church dinners, potluck suppers, etc.
5) RESTROOM FACILITIES - We expect every member of the church to practice good hygiene habits at all times, including, but not limited to, washing hands.
6) INJURIES - Any member caring for or cleaning up after any injury resulting in tissue damage and bleeding, we expect to adhere to the CDC's recommendations for universal precautions in response to potential blood borne pathogens. This includes, but is not limited to, use of protective barriers (e.g. gloves), washing after cleaning or caring for any injury and disposing of gloves immediately after use.
7) ACCOUNTABILITY It is our policy to treat any individual suffering from a contagious disease as fairly and equally as those placed at risk by contact with it. It is further our hope that any individual suffering from a contagious disease would be considerate, in God's Love, and treat membership as they wish to be treated themselves, by abiding by this policy voluntarily out of God's Love and His command to love one another, even as we do ourselves.
1All research and information is current and compiled from the Center of Disease Control and can be found at
Baptism services will be held whenever there are candidates available who have completed the required pre-baptism sessions. The time will be set by the Elders.
Anyone who has put his/her trust in Jesus Christ as his/her personal Saviour is invited and encouraged to be baptized. Christ gave the church the commandment to baptize, so each baptism service is a celebration for the whole congregation. In the event there id a children's program taking place, arrangements will be made ahead of time to bring them in to witness the baptism Anyone desiring to be baptized should make this known to the Elders, who will set up instruction classes. Upon satisfactorily completing these classes, the candidate will be informed of when his/her baptism will take place.
1) To make sure the baptistry is properly cleaned, filled and heated.
2) To clear, set up and lay down plastic in the baptismal rooms.
3) To be available to help the baptismal candidates before, during and after the ceremony, and to handle candle lighting ceremony.
4) To clean up the side rooms and baptistry area, and either empty the baptistery or chlorinate it for storage.
5) To see that each candidate has a properly fitting white robe.
1) Be at the church at least twenty (20) minutes before the service is to begin for last minute instructions.
2) Bring:
- A set of white (or light colored) clothing to wear.
- Men/Boys; pants, shirts and socks
- Ladies/Girls: Blouse, Long Shorts or culottes and socks
- A complete set of dry dress clothes to change into, including undergarments, socks, etc.
- A copy of your testimony
- A clean, white handkerchief
- Towel(s)
- A plastic bag for wet clothing
- A brush/comb (hair dryer in winter)
These items should all be placed in the baptismal room when you arrive
3) Follow the instructions of the Deacon, Deaconess or person(s) in charge.
4) When entering the baptistry bring you white handkerchief and testimony sheet. Take care to keep these items out of the water. Please be careful and walk slowly. Hand you items to the Pastor and follow his instructions.
5) After being baptized, walk slowly up the steps, and with the help of you assistant, put your robe into the plastic can, also wring the water out of your clothes into the can.
The coaches/leaders will be approved by and accountable to the Elders. The Elders will work in cooperation with the coaches/leaders to insure the following guidelines are followed.
To be eligible to participate, as person must:
1) Be an active member of the church.
2) Attend at least one worship service per week during the season, and attend at least two week before the season begins.
3) Maintain a proper testimony before, during and after the games and practices.
4) Any league in which the church plays will be approved by the Elders each season.
No games will be played on Sundays, Wednesdays or during special services of the church.
Insurance Waiver:
An insurance waiver form must be signed by all participants prior to involvement in any game or practice.
The Deacons Fund is to reflect the picture in the book of Acts as to how we are to care for one another in Christ. In the time of physical and financial need, we want to be prepared to help each other out, and to show the world the unselfishness of God.
On every occasion when the Lord's Supper is celebrated, we will have a special Deacon's Fund Offering. These funds will be held in a special fund with the church treasury, so that as needs arise funds will be available. At those times when the fund may run low, at the discretion of the Elders and Deacon/nesses, a special offering can be called for to replenish the fund. The balance of the fund will be included in the monthly church finance report, and a running total kept by the church treasurer, in the event that the Deacon/nesses need to know how much is available.
Any member or leader of the congregation may make known to the Deacon/nesses when they become aware of a need in the church family. The Deacon/nesses will verify the need, check the status of the Deacon Fund, and decide upon if and how much should be given to the member in need. In the event a member requests repeated help for similar expenses, the Deacon/nesses may require financial counseling or other training or assistance before any further disbursements are made.
On occasion requests are received to help non-members. The Team will consider if and how we can help on a case-by-case basis.
As the passing of a dear loved one is a time when we all need encouragement and support, and whereas such times as these are when many become receptive to the Love of Christ, we will make every effort to reach out in His name.
Procedures: When a member of the congregation, or his/her immediate family member (parent, child, or spouse) passes away, we will:
1) Provide a Funeral Throw, or some meaningful equivalent, for the viewing (if held) or give directly to the family.
2) Begin to provide the family with periodic Biblical literature to help them work through the grieving process.
3) If the service is held by our Pastor, or other circumstances exist where the elders and deacons and deaconesses deem it appropriate, provide a funeral dinner. The Deacon/nesses will provide meat or a large dish, and call upon the congregation to join together in providing food and service for a family gathering.
All guest speakers must be approved by the Elders. Any scheduling should begin by first consulting the Pastor and Church calendar, and then submitting the proposed speaker's name and date(s) for approval.
It will be the responsibility of the Missions Team to schedule any mission speaker, the Fellowship Team to schedule speakers for fellowship events, and the Team Leaders to schedule speakers or groups for rallies and other events. The Elders will handle pulpit speaker supply, special meetings and other events.
Financial Arrangements:
Honorarium: The following procedures will apply:
1) Speaker supply - $100.00/service from the Guest Speaker budget
2) Series speaker or Missionary Love Offering, at least meeting the amounts for Speaker Supply, with any shortages made up from the Guest Speaker budget.
3) Ministry Teams (e.g. Musical and Drama Groups) - Love Offering
Speaker/Musicians who travel here from over 50 miles (one way) from home will be reimbursed at the current IRS rate for a round trip. If the speaker/group is coming or going to somewhere other than home, this will be adjusted accordingly.
Housing and meals will be arranged by the board/committee/ministry team responsible for scheduling the speaker/group. If these are not available within the congregation, the church will provide a modest amount for meals and lodging.
Marriage is the first and most important relationship created by God. In an age when divorce is so common and marriage is taken so lightly, we want to do all we can to make sure couples are well-prepared for and supported in the marriages.
1) In keeping with our Biblical convictions, marriage is designed by God as a life-time commitment between a man and a woman, as they were specifically created by God. Any marriages performed on church grounds or by the pastor must line up with the church's views on marriage as described in the statement of faith No marriages will be performed which violate these principles.
2) The church grounds and facilities are available only for member of the church. Such usage is contingent upon approval by the Elders and the availability of the facilities, with preference given to the regular ministries of the church. Only weddings involving a member of the church or an immediate family member will be considered. The Elders hold final approval for all marriages held on church grounds.
3) All couples considering marriage must first meet with the Pastor for the premarital counseling. All couples are expected to complete any assignments given as part of this counseling. During the counseling period the couple must be faithful in attending services. In the event the church is currently without a Pastor, the couple may receive counseling from another Pastor or Counselor approved by the Elders, and the service may be performed by a Pastor approved by the Elders.
4) Any divorced person desiring to be married in this church or by the Pastor outside the church must provide evidence to the Elders that the previous marriage is beyond reconciliation.
5) The New Testament forbids being "unequally yoked with unbelievers". No marriage will be performed in the church or by the Pastor which violates this Biblical principle. Under no circumstances will unbelievers be married in the church.
6) Fees: Couples are expected to pay the "Facility Use Fees" to cover the expenses of utilities and paper products. A "Church Lease Agreement" is to be signed and submitted with the fee before the Wedding Rehearsal. There are no set personnel fees, but couples are expected to be appreciative of the time invested by musicians or members of the clergy.
7) Receptions - It is expected that the reception will continue on in the Christ-centered atmosphere of the ceremony, and though joyful, will also be orderly. If held in the church there will be no smoking, alcoholic beverages, or inappropriate dancing. These guidelines should also be considered when the reception is held elsewhere.
The purpose of an outreach ministry team is to reach out to individuals with the Gospel and with a challenge for Christ.
To become a member of this ministry team, one must first observe the group for three (3) rehearsals and or performances, to make sure he/she is willing to make the commitment necessary. The requirements for becoming a member are as follows:
1) Personal Testimony of Christ as Saviour
2) Faithful attendance at this church
3) Able to sign attached Statement of Faith
4) Upstanding Christian Walk in the community
5) 13 Years of age or older
6) All members under the age of 18 must submit a signed release/permission form from a parent/guardian to travel with the group.
If the above qualifications are met, a prospective member must be approved by the adult leaders of the group, the Pastor(s), and the Elders.
To have an impact, this group must have practice with an average practice time of 3 hours. During practice, members are expected to put all they have into it, so the group can make best use of their time. Practice times should be cleared on the church calendar to avoid conflicts.
The ministry outreach events will be limited to an average of 2 per month, with not more than one of these performances being at the same time as one of the regularly scheduled services of the church.
One adult member of the team will be appointed to act as treasurer of the team. He/she shall maintain a petty cash fund for expenses of the team, not in excess of $250. Any excess funds will be kept in a designated fund by the church treasurer. If more than the amount above is needed for any event, a check may be requested from the church treasurer to cover the expenses, upon the approval of the Elder overseeing the team. Written records of all expenses, receipts and requests will be kept.
The adult members of any ministry team will maintain contact with the Elders concerning the activities of the group, problems that arise or to seek advice when necessary.